Pilates 101 Fundamentals - The Plank


Pilates is all about maintaining perfect alignment, as the slightest imbalance can change the way an exercise feels and the muscles it works. This post goes into depth about performing a plank, giving you a greater understanding on how to maintain form and technique to get the most out of this position.


Plank 101

When held correctly, this pose works your entire body. Here’s a few things to look out for when holding your plank.

  • Gaze of eyes to the tips of your fingers, making sure your neck is long and in line with your spine.

  • Open chest and float shoulders away from ears.

  • Hands directly under shoulders, with a micro bend in your elbows to contract all the muscles in your arms. This also helps take the pressure off your wrists. Think of ‘hugging’ your elbows into your body.

  • Draw your belly button back towards the spine. Imagine you’re trying to pull your belly button away from your tights to switch on your transverse abdominals as well as your pelvic floor.

  • Keep your spine long, tail bone slightly tucked under.

  • Find length through the backs of your legs, and imagine lengthening from the back of your heels.


Stay tuned for the next Pilates Fundamentals 101 series!

B xx

PilatesBianca Melas